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東京大学イスラーミック文化 社会


Islam is derived from the Arabic root "Salema" which means peace, purity, submission and obedience. The name depicts the essence ... a key to recognize Allah and is a complete code of peaceful & harmonious life. It was the earlier era of 7th century when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) brought Quran to the Arabs. One of the major part of his mission was to bring the mass slaughter of humans to an end. Islam's purpose was to give all people equal rights regardless to their position & wealth, to give women the right to live as human and to eradicate the evil customs out of society including evil wars & disrespect to the humanity. I love peace and harmony and support good relationship among all humanity and I have learnt it from Islam.


TUICS is a Muslim Students Association in The University of Tokyo. The purpose is to provide a cross cultural experience to the students of U-Tokyo from different ethnicities.
Main activites of TUICS include;
1. Arranging Regular Prayer Place for Muslim Students
2. Arranging Friday Prayer Place for Muslim Students
3. Muslim Bazar in May Festival
4. Prophet Seminar (Share the image of Prophet Muhammad PBHU)
5. TUICS Monday Lounge (Cross cultural lunch event for all students)
6. Iftar parties during Ramadhan
7. Food Gala (Cook and share your taste)
8. Welcome & Farewell Parties for TUICS members
TUICS have arranged a number of cross cultural events. Apart from this TUICS have been actively engaged in the cultural events arranged by U-Tokyo.



Dai ni Shokudo Building, 2nd Floor (behind music room)

Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo 
7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo Ku, Tokyo


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Opening Hours

Mon - Fri

8:00 am – 8:00 pm


9:00 am – 7:00 pm


9:00 am – 9:00 pm

All right reserved | Tokyo University Islamic Cultural Society © 2022 

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