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Following contents briefly explain the concept of ‘HALAL’


Important Definitions

  1. Ḥalāl (Arabic meaning ‘permissible’): A term designating any object or an action that is permissible to use or engage in, according to Islamic law. In this standard, the term is used to designate food that is permissible according to Islamic law. The opposite of this word is Haram.

  2. Haram: It is an Arabic term meaning forbidden or sinful. In Islamic jurisprudence, haram is used to refer to any act that is forbidden according to Islamic law. Holy Quran and Prophet’s Sunnah (tradition) clearly distinguish what is Halal and Haram that Muslims should follow including food items.

  3. Najis: Unclean things according to Islamic Law. There are three types of Najis, light Najis, moderate Najis and severe Najis. This includes food that is contaminated with Najis or in contact with Najis, except the purified food items from Najis.

  4. Islamic Law: The law to be abided by Muslim in compliance with Al-Quran, Al-Sunnah (prophetic tradition), Al-Ijmah and Al-Qiyas (consensus or unanimous agreement of Islamic scholars), which are acceptable according to sectarian verified by different school of thoughts, i.e. Shafi- or Hanafi or Maliki  or Hanbali.

  5. Halal food Halal food is the food including drinks, which is allowed to be consumed according to Islamic rules and that comply with the requirements of ‘Halal’


Criteria for the use of Word “Halal”

According to Islamic law, all food items are permissible for consumption, except for the following categories (The items as such or items derived from):

  1. Pig, hog and dog.

  2. Snake and monkey.

  3. Carnivore (animal that gets food from killing other animal) such as lion, tiger, bear and other similar species. Carnivore avian species such as eagle, scavenger, and other similar bird species.

  4. Species with destructive behavior and poisonous such as rat, millipede, scorpion, and other similar species.

  5. Species that are not allowed to kill in compliance with Islamic law such as ant, bee and woodpecker.

  6. Disgusting species such as tick, flea, lice, louse, fly, worm, and other similar species.

  7. Amphibians such as frog, crocodile, turtle and other similar species.

  8. Donkey and mule rose for work.

  9. All poisonous or dangerous aquatic species, except that such poison has been removed during production process.

  10. Animal or bird, which fails to be slaughtered in compliance with Islamic law.

  11. Human or animal blood that released naturally or when slaughtering.

  12. Food that are poisonous or intoxicants (derived from any source including plants) or food items that intoxicate, except that such poison has been removed during production process.

  13. Food and beverage consisting of genetically modified organism (GMO), only when GMO is derived from above mentioned animals (a-l).

  14. Food additive or ingredient derived from all the above-mentioned sources from a-l.


Other halal food products

Milk and dairy products

a) Milk and dairy products derived from animals are halal.

b) Food Additives such as rennet and gelatine shall not be produced from non-halal products.


Eggs and egg products

a) Eggs and egg products obtained from halal animals are halal.

b) Egg products shall not contain non-halal ingredients.

c) Eggs derived from animals like fish which do not need to be slaughtered are halal as long as they are safe to be consumed.


Cereal and cereal products, vegetable and animal oils and fats, fruit and vegetables and their products, sugar and confectionery products All food shall be produced from halal origin using halal processes.


All types of fish are Halal unless non-halal ingredients are added.



Document prepared by Dr. P.K Hashim (Tokyo University Islamic Cultural Society-2018)




  • ハラール(アラビア語で、「許容されている」という意味):イスラム法に従い、使用や従事が許可された物や行動を定める言葉。

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  • ハラーム:アラビア語で、禁止された・罪のある、という意味。イスラム法学でハラームとは、イスラム法により禁止された行動を意味する。


  • ナジス:イスラム法上、不浄とされるもの。ナジスには、軽度・中度・重度の3種類のナジスがある。ナジスによって汚染されたり、ナジスと接触したりした食べ物も含まれる。ナジスを洗浄した食べ物は含まれない。


  • イスラム法:コーラン、スンナ(慣行)、イジュマー(合意)、キヤース(類推)に準拠した、ムスリムが守るべき法律。シャーフィイー、ハナフィー、マーリク、ハンバルといった、様々な学派(によって立証された宗派)によって容認されたもの。


  • ハラール食品には、イスラム法によって許可され「ハラール」の要件を満たす飲料も含まれる。





a) 豚、犬

b) 蛇、猿

c) ライオン・トラ・クマ等の肉食獣(他の動物を殺して食べる動物)、ワシ・腐食動物等の肉食鳥類

d) ネズミ・ヤスデ・サソリ等の破壊的な行動をする有害な生物

e) アリ・ハチ・キツツキ等、イスラム法で殺すことが許容されない生物

f) ダニ・ノミ・シラミ・ハエ・細長く足の無い虫等の不快とみなされる生物

g) カエル、ワニ、カメ等の水陸両性の(水の中と外の両方で生きられる)生物

h) ロバ、ラバ

i) 有毒・有害な水生種(生産過程で解毒されたものは除く)

j) イスラム法で定められた方法に従わずに、屠畜された動物や鳥類

k) 屠畜の際又は自然に流された、人間や動物の血液

l) 毒性・泥酔性のある(酔わせる)食べ物(植物を含むあらゆる供給源に由来するもの)。生産過程で解毒されたものは除く。

m) 上記a~lの動物に由来する遺伝子組み換え食品・飲料

n) 上記a~lに由来する食品添加物や食材




  1. ハラールの動物に由来するミルクと乳製品

  2. レンネット(凝乳酵素)やゼラチン等の食品添加物は、非ハラール食品から作ってはいけない。



  1. ハラールの動物の卵及び卵製品

  2. 卵製品は、非ハラール成分を含んではいけない。

  3. 屠畜不要な魚等の動物に由来する卵は、消費が安全な限りハラールとされる。










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7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo Ku, Tokyo


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